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Faculty of Economics

Cultivation of human resources to support local economy and management

In order to live up to the expectations of regional business, NCU's Faculty of Economics was founded in 1964. With the Faculty of Economics having marked its 50th anniversary in the 2014 academic year, the number of graduates from the Faculty will exceed 10,000 in the 2017 academic year. The Faculty has three departments - the Department of Public Policy in Economics, the Department of Management Systems and the Department of Accounting and Finance - with a quota of 230 students per academic year.

The structure of the curriculum is unique, designed for the cultivation of human resources capable of dealing with various problems related to the economy and management of the local region. Students can take introductory courses in specialized subjects in their freshman year. From their sophomore year, they take courses in the fundamentals pertaining to the department they choose. Also in their junior and senior years, they take more professional and diversified applied subjects. They can also take subjects offered by local public officers and local business persons. Another feature of the Faculty is small-group education through exercises, which the students attend from their freshman year. Particularly in workshops called zemi "seminars" in their junior and senior years, they address their own challenges independently. Also available is a system to actively support students to acquire professional qualifications, such as certified public accountant, licensed tax accountant, financial planner and public servant.

Graduates have obtained employment in the public service, and the financial, manufacturing and service sectors. Their remarkable success in those fields as human resources supporting the local economy and management has further enhanced the reputation of the Faculty of Economics.